Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fussy Duck

I'm so excited to be renting space at the Fussy Duck, a very cool shop in Salem that has all sorts of art, crafts, collectibles, etc. I have a 4' by 5' space with original artwork, prints and greeting cards. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to have a "storefront" for my work.

My little boy, Finn, is now 15 months old. I'm no longer able to use the "new mom" excuse to put everything in my life on hold, so I intend to get some painting done this year. I love painting, and I did very little in 2010. I wasn't able to do much in 2009, as I spent most of the year pregnant (breathing oil paint fumes is a bad idea for an expectant mama). I feel balanced and calm when I am painting. I always encourage my health students at Chemeketa to create wellness goals and keep the 6 dimensions of wellness in mind (physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental). We often think about the physical dimension of wellness when we think about health, but there are these other important aspects that impact our wellness. I have a few wellness-related goals for 2011, and painting is at the top of my list. I hope to share my progress here.

I started on a veggie painting today. I did a few fruit paintings and 1 vegetable painting a while ago and had plans for more when I embarked on my journey of motherhood. So I'm picking up where I left off. Don't worry, mom, I will still be working on your 4x5 painting. Promise. This new painting has carrots, peppers, an onion, broccoli and peas, among other things. I'm most excited about the peas. Art that makes you go mmmm....

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